How To Maintain Focus with ADHD in adults?
This is a constant struggle for everyone who has ADHD, but it's extremely difficult for anyone trying to work from home during the pandemic. If you're wondering how to boost your focus without downloading a complicated email app or rearranging your furniture, these simple tips might be just what you need. And because you're already doing it, why not learn something while you're at it?
Shut the door
This is not a parable. This is taken literally. A closed door surely helps, and it also communicates to our minds that we mean business.
Make use of a Pomodoro timer.
The Pomodoro method is a key concentration hack that consists of brief bursts of work followed by short pauses. It's a valuable tool to have in your Armory, but do you know what makes it even more valuable? Apps. Apps that reward you for being efficiently focused for a specified amount of time.
Alter your tasks
This method has been described as having "two pots on the burner." When one task becomes tedious, "productively postpone" by switching to another. A ping-pong game between two or three things may be more effective than attempting to force yourself through one.
Plan for future challenges
If you're already delaying, why not do something beneficial for Future You? Try outlining every potential roadblock you'll face while attempting to complete a task, and then brainstorm how you'll avoid falling into that trap.
Plan some 10-minute movement sessions
Breaking up chores with dancing, jumping, or even walking from one end of your flat to the other can all be beneficial in increasing focus and energy.
Experiment with belly breathing
When we try to concentrate, anxiety and worry can build up to the point where it appears to be an insurmountable wall of misery. There are, however, a variety of breathing exercises worth attempting to help chip away at that wall.
Keep an eye out for the jet stream
Sometimes what we need the most is momentum, which allows us to gain confidence and assures us that we can get sh!t done. So, keep an eye out for the flow: Is there a task that you already know how to begin, are eager to accomplish, or employ a skill that you have? It also does not have to be the most urgent or important assignment. Simply taking something off the back burner and getting back into the swing of things can help when it's time to transfer your focus to the more essential matters.
Describe why this assignment is important to you
We're not going to explain why a task is vital because that could be upsetting. It's definitely critical if it's causing you stress. It's true that occasionally a task is just bad and we can't figure out why. That's fine! But, if we can, we should constantly have our "why" at the forefront of our minds.
Be kind to yourself
When I give this counsel, people usually dislike it. That's all right; I understand. It's irritating to be taught that being nice to oneself would miraculously solve a problem. But you know what will surely not assist you? You're being a jerk to yourself. You're definitely familiar with the "what's wrong with me!?" inner monologue, which is followed by variants on "why can't I simply start" and "why do I keep doing this to myself," all of which blame you directly. Professional Counselling can help you to deal with ADHD, some professionals also provide Online ADHD assessments in the UK, and you can opt for this option as well from the comfort of your home.
But here's the truth: concentrating on a task is difficult. Working till the job is done is difficult. You are well aware of this if you have ADHD.
Blaming yourself will not help. Concentration is like the weather; occasionally everything aligns and there are clear blue skies. What about other times? Not at all. Instead of being stressed out about your circumstance, try extreme acceptance. In this scenario, a little kindness can go a long way toward keeping you from giving up too soon
Remember: If you’re struggling to concentrate, it’s not because you’re lazy, incompetent, or hopeless.
More than likely, you’re stressed out, overwhelmed, or frustrated. Human experiences can interfere with our ability to finish what needs to be done. So, give yourself a break. Go lay down for a little bit. Have a snack. You’re doing the best you can! Which isn't always going to look like your personal best from the previous month, week, or even day.
What's crucial is that you don't let how productive you are or don’t become a measure of your worth. You are valuable whether you complete 15 tasks today or none at all. And if focus continues to be a challenge, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for support near you, simply search for the Best ADHD Psychiatrist Near me on Google to get the list of the best ADHD Psychiatrists near you .